1/31/25 - 6:40PM
hello! lots has happened lately. currently working on two large personal projects that im planning to rollout in a couple months and im starting a small side thing that i can maintain while doing the larger things. i'll save announcements for when they're ready and when i'm done revamping my site.
i lived like a million lifetimes since the last blogpost. finished the last two years of my degree, made a bunch of art and videos and music, met a lot of really cool people and made a lot of really cool friends, worked a handful of different jobs and learned a lot from each of them, traveled all around le world, played a lotta games and watched a lotta movies, and i ate like craaazy epic treats and snacks and shit.
grew a lot as a person the past couple years, even the past like six months. i guess that's what your early twenties are about. anyway, the weird crazy animation job i had for the past three months gave me a lot of good experience. it was very unprofessional but i got a great feel for working with a team and i have more perspective on what i'd like for my future professional career. in the next few months i'm gonna dive balls deep into my personal projects and get them all done and outa my head. if all goes well i think i'll start a patreon or something.
things are looking good af and im excited to show stuff that's been cookin for like over a year now. i'll be doing these blogposts at the end of every month as a little check-in kinda thing.